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Do not use these tutorials directly, access them instead via the Turtlebot Main Page. |
Getting Started with TurtleBot
How to start a TurtleBot
This tutorials explains how to charge and maintain your TurtleBot.
Visualizing TurtleBot Kinect Data
This tutorial shows you how to look at data coming from the Kinect camera.
How to teleoperate your TurtleBot with a keyboard.
How to teleoperate your TurtleBot with a joystick.
Shows how to use rviz interactive markers for teleoping the TurtleBot.
TurtleBot Odometry and Gyro Calibration
This will show you how to calibrate or test the calibration of a TurtleBot which is highly recommended when running any navigation based application.
Only necessary if you have a Create base which is using an external gyro.
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- turtlebotのナビゲーションスタックの設定
ロボットのナビゲーション構成についてのはじめの一歩, および, その他のもっと包括的なチュートリアルへのリファレンス
- Setup the Navigation Stack for TurtleBot
Provides a first glimpse of navigation configuration for your robot, with references to other much more comprehensive tutorials.
- turtlebotによるSLAMを用いた地図作成
- 既知の地図を用いたTurtleBotの自律ナビゲーション
- Setup the Navigation Stack for TurtleBot
Provides a first glimpse of navigation configuration for your robot, with references to other much more comprehensive tutorials.
- Setup the Navigation Stack for TurtleBot
Provides a first glimpse of navigation configuration for your robot, with references to other much more comprehensive tutorials.
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- 为Turtlebot配置导航包
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
How to make your TurtleBot follow whatever's in front of it.
Android Control of the TurtleBot
How to control your TurtleBot from an Android device.
Getting Started with TurtleBot
How to start a TurtleBot
This tutorials explains how to charge and maintain your TurtleBot.
Visualizing TurtleBot Kinect Data
This tutorial shows you how to look at data coming from the Kinect camera.
How to teleoperate your TurtleBot with a keyboard.
How to teleoperate your TurtleBot with a joystick.
Shows how to use rviz interactive markers for teleoping the TurtleBot.
TurtleBot Odometry and Gyro Calibration
This will show you how to calibrate or test the calibration of a TurtleBot which is highly recommended when running any navigation based application.
Only necessary if you have a Create base which is using an external gyro.
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- turtlebotのナビゲーションスタックの設定
ロボットのナビゲーション構成についてのはじめの一歩, および, その他のもっと包括的なチュートリアルへのリファレンス
- Setup the Navigation Stack for TurtleBot
Provides a first glimpse of navigation configuration for your robot, with references to other much more comprehensive tutorials.
- turtlebotによるSLAMを用いた地図作成
- 既知の地図を用いたTurtleBotの自律ナビゲーション
- Setup the Navigation Stack for TurtleBot
Provides a first glimpse of navigation configuration for your robot, with references to other much more comprehensive tutorials.
- Setup the Navigation Stack for TurtleBot
Provides a first glimpse of navigation configuration for your robot, with references to other much more comprehensive tutorials.
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- 为Turtlebot配置导航包
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
How to make your TurtleBot follow whatever's in front of it.
Android Control of the TurtleBot
How to control your TurtleBot from an Android device.
- Installation
Installation instructions from iso, deb or sources.
- Post-Installation Setup
Customised configuration for your robot setup.
- Workstation Installation
Installing the software for your monitoring workstation pc.
- Network Configuration
Get turtlebot and your workstation chatting to each other.
Getting Started
- TurtleBot Bringup
How to start the TurtleBot software.
- TurtleBot Care and Feeding
This tutorials explains how to charge and maintain your TurtleBot.
- 3D Visualisation
Visualising 3d and camera data from the kinect/asus.
- Keyboard Teleop
Keyboard teleoperation of a turtlebot.
- Joystick Teleop
Joystick teleoperation of a turtlebot.
- Interactive Markers Teleop
A tutorial describing how to use rviz interactive markers for controlling the TurtleBot.
TurtleBot Odometry and Gyro Calibration
Only necessary if you have a Create base which is using an external gyro. This will show you how to calibrate or test the calibration of a TurtleBot which is highly recommended when running any navigation based application.
Advanced Usage
- Setup the Navigation Stack for TurtleBot
Provides a first glimpse of navigation configuration for your robot, with references to other much more comprehensive tutorials.
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
Something Funny
- The TurtleBot Follower Demo
This describes how to run the TurtleBot Follower Demo on your TurtleBot.
- The TurtleBot Panorama Demo
This describes how to run the TurtleBot Panorama Demo on your TurtleBot.
Interesting Software
- The TurtleBot Panorama Demo
This describes how to run the TurtleBot Panorama Demo on your TurtleBot.
- How to control your TurtleBot from an Android device
This will walk you through how to control your TurtleBot from an Android phone or tablet.
- Installation
Installation instructions from iso, deb or sources.
- Post-Installation Setup
Customised configuration for your robot setup.
- Workstation Installation
Installing the software for your monitoring workstation pc.
- Network Configuration
Get turtlebot and your workstation chatting to each other.
Getting Started
- TurtleBot Bringup
How to start the TurtleBot software.
- TurtleBot Care and Feeding
This tutorials explains how to charge and maintain your TurtleBot.
- 3D Visualisation
Visualising 3d and camera data from the kinect/asus.
- Keyboard Teleop
Keyboard teleoperation of a turtlebot.
- Joystick Teleop
Joystick teleoperation of a turtlebot.
- Interactive Markers Teleop
A tutorial describing how to use rviz interactive markers for controlling the TurtleBot.
TurtleBot Odometry and Gyro Calibration
Only necessary if you have a Create base which is using an external gyro. This will show you how to calibrate or test the calibration of a TurtleBot which is highly recommended when running any navigation based application.
Advanced Usage
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
Something Funny
- The TurtleBot Follower Demo
This describes how to run the TurtleBot Follower Demo on your TurtleBot.
- The TurtleBot Panorama Demo
This describes how to run the TurtleBot Panorama Demo on your TurtleBot.
Interesting Software
- The TurtleBot Panorama Demo
This describes how to run the TurtleBot Panorama Demo on your TurtleBot.
App Platform
Before getting started on this section, you may wish to investigate the information and tutorials in rocon_app_platform.
- The Turtlebot App Manager
Getting to know the new app manager - pairing and concert modes.
- Turtlebot-Android Pairing
Pairing your android with turtlebot applications.
- Building Existing Android Apps
Installation and build instructions for existing TurtleBot Android applications.
- Create a Robot App
How to create and install a robot application (rapp) for pairing or concert modes.
- Create an Android App
How to create an android app for robot-android pairing.
- Turtlebot-Developer Habitats
Various usage scenarios for turtlebots and their developers.
- Interacting with your Turtlebot
The many ways you can provoke/inspire your turtlebot to action!
- Turtlebot Installation
Installing software onto the turtlebot.
- PC Installation
Installing the software for your monitoring workstation pc.
- Network Configuration
Get turtlebot and your pc chatting to each other.
- TurtleBot Bringup
How to start the TurtleBot software.
- PC Bringup
Connecting to the turtlebot from the PC.
- TurtleBot Care and Feeding
This tutorials explains how to charge and maintain your TurtleBot.
- Create Odometry and Gyro Calibration
This is only necessary if you have a Create base. The Kobuki comes with a factory calibrated gyro. This will show you how to calibrate or test the calibration of a TurtleBot which is highly recommended when running any navigation based application.
Looking Around
- A First Interaction
Run your first interaction with the turtlebot - chatter!
- Visualisation
Find and call launchers to visualise the turtle and its data streams.
- 3D Visualisation
Visualising 3d and camera data from the kinect/asus.
- Keyboard Teleop
Keyboard teleoperation of a turtlebot.
- Joystick Teleop
Joystick teleoperation of a turtlebot.
- Qt Teleop
Qt teleoperation of a turtlebot.
- Interactive Markers Teleop
A tutorial describing how to use rviz interactive markers for controlling the TurtleBot.
- SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot
How to generate a map using gmapping
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.
Something Funny
- The TurtleBot Follower Demo
This describes how to run the TurtleBot Follower Demo on your TurtleBot.
- The TurtleBot Panorama Demo
This describes how to run the TurtleBot Panorama Demo on your TurtleBot.
Android Interactions
- Download Turtlebot Android Apps from Play Store
Download android apps from Play Store to run turtlebot rapps on your turtlebot via android device
- How to Run Turtlebot Andorid Application
Instructions how to run turtlebot android application
- Turtlebot Android Application Dev Tutorial
Instructions how to develop turtlebot android app
- TurtleBot in Stage Simulator
How to start turtlebot stage simulation
- Customizing the Stage Simulator
Explains how to use your own map with the stage simulator for turtlebot and adjust configurations for your needs
- Gazebo Bringup Guide
See the simulated turtlebot in Gazebo.
- Explore the Gazebo world
Cruise around in the Gazebo world and use RViz to "see" what's in it.
- Make a map and navigate with it
Use the navigation stack to create a map of the Gazebo world and start navigation based on it.
Development Corner
- Customising the Turtle
Pre-load your own customisations/configuration on the turtle.
- Create your First Rapp
Create, load and execute a 'babbler' rapp, and, is it really worth the effort?
- Create your First Interaction
Create, load and execute a 'babbler' interaction.
- Adding New 3D Sensor
Add support for a new 3D sensor to the turtlebot stack.
- Adding a lidar to the turtlebot using hector_models (Hokuyo UTM-30LX)
A revised tutorial for adding a Hokuyo Lidar to the turtlebot, updated for Indigo and uses the hector_models package
Tutorials describing how to develop android interactions can be found in the android corner.
Rocon QT App manager
- Start Rapp with QT App manager
How to start implementation rapps with Rocon Qt App manager
Multi TurtleBot Concert
Teleop Concert
Teleoperate multiple turtlebots!
- TurtleBot Concert Bringup
how to start the turtlebot concert
- Bring up Turtlebot as Concert Client
how to start the turtlebot concert
- Teleop a turtlebot via Concert
how to teleoperate turtlebot in concert
Other Resources
The latest officially supported release is for indigo. |
Simulate navigation with turtlebot in a 2D environnment