Package Summary
Author: Hai Nguyen (, Advisor: Charles C. Kemp (Healthcare Robotics Lab, Georgia Tech)
- License: BSD
Source: git co
First you will the ROS Commander rosinstall file:
Installs RCommander PR2, RCommander core, and all stacks needed to run it (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED): rcommander_v07_all_fuerte.rosinstall
If you're using ROS Electric use rcommander_all_electric.rosinstall. Note that not all the features shown here will work in Electric.
Next, in a directory of your choice call rosinstall, setup your environment, call rosmake, then launch the default vanilla ROS Commander GUI. Replace rcommander_all with your rosinstall of choice:
rosinstall . /opt/ros/fuerte rcommander_all_fuerte.rosinstall source setup.bash sudo apt-get install festlex-cmu festlex-poslex festlex-oald libestools1.2 festvox-don festvox-rablpc16k festvox-kallpc16k festvox-kdlpc16k rosmake rcommander_pr2_gui rosmake rcommander_ar_tour
You will want to keep ROS Commander into your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH so execute:
echo "source `pwd`/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
Then repeat the above steps on your PR2. Things are a little more tricky as we'll need to setup the env-loader. Begin by creating a new file in your home directory called "". Fill it with the script below but replace PATH_TO_YOUR_RCOMMANDER_ROSINSTALL with the path where you checked out the code above:
if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/echo "Entering environment at /opt/ros/fuerte" . /opt/ros/fuerte/ $SHELL /bin/echo "Exiting build environment at /opt/ros/fuerte" else . /opt/ros/fuerte/ . PATH_TO_YOUR_RCOMMANDER_ROSINSTALL/ exec "$@" fi
Next, make a folder on the robot where saved ROS Commander files can be loaded from:
ln -s PATH_TO_SAMPLE_BEHAVIORS_FOLDER ~/robot_behaviors
Where PATH_TO_SAMPLE_BEHAVIORS_FOLDER is the path to the package rcommander_sample_behaviors in the stack rcommander_pr2 checked out by the rosinstall.
Finally, create the symlinks to serve up the web interface (accessible at http://c1/rweb/rweb.html):
sudo ln -s `rospack find rcommander_web`/html /var/www/rweb
You're now all ready! Next, proceed to the tutorials.
Users's Guide
- Starting RCommander PR2
shows you how to start RCommander PR2
- Creating Gestures in RCommander PR2
Guides you through the process of creating new PR2 gestures.
- Face Detection and Understanding Reference Frames
Shows how to use the face detection tool and how to manipulate reference frames.
- Running Behaviors from RViz
Describes how to run saved behaviors from RViz
- List of Tools and Their Uses
Gives a list of tools included in RCommander PR2 and their intended uses.
Video Tutorials
Constructing a basic gesture
Constructing behaviors using task frames
Included Tools