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Simulating the 2dnav Stack

Description: This tutorial describes how to simulate a 2d-navigation stack in gazebo.

Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE



sudo apt-get install ros-diamondback-pr2


For this tutorial, you need to install the 'pr2all' variant of ROS (see installation instructions). On Ubuntu, this means:

sudo apt-get install ros-cturtle-pr2all

And you will also need to check out the following package:

svn co https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/stacks/wg_robots_gazebo/trunk/pr2_2dnav_gazebo/

Running with a laser-equipped robot simulated in Gazebo

  • Assuming you have successfully built wg-ros-pkg package pr2_2dnav_gazebo

    rosmake pr2_2dnav_gazebo
    If not, see [:Simulator/Installation: simulator installation instructions]
  • Export ROBOT environment variable

    export ROBOT=sim
  • Launch the pr2_2dnav_gazebo demo by issuing the following commands:
    roslaunch pr2_2dnav_gazebo pr2-armless-wg-fake_localization.launch


  • or try the amcl version by issuing the following commands:
    roslaunch pr2_2dnav_gazebo pr2-wg-amcl.launch

Visualize and Setting Goal Pose with RVIZ

Wiki: pr2_2dnav_gazebo/Tutorials/Simulating the 2dnav Stack (last edited 2011-08-27 00:40:21 by IsaacSaito)