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Package Summary Copyright 2002 Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg Institute of Computer Science Copyright 2008 Emil Keyder, Hector Geffner Most of the code in this program comes from from Jorg Hoffmanns Metric-FF planner. Additions are due to Emil Keyder and Hector Geffner. The code as a whole is distributed under the GPL license. See the file gpl.txt for more information. Contact with bug reports or questions.

Package Summary

ffha: PDDL Planner (

jsk_common: assimp_devel | bayesian_belief_networks | downward | dynamic_tf_publisher | ff | ffha | image_view2 | jsk_footstep_msgs | jsk_gui_msgs | jsk_hark_msgs | jsk_network_tools | jsk_tilt_laser | jsk_tools | jsk_topic_tools | libsiftfast | mini_maxwell | multi_map_server | nlopt | opt_camera | posedetection_msgs | rospatlite | rosping | rostwitter | sklearn | speech_recognition_msgs | virtual_force_publisher | voice_text

Package Summary

ffha: PDDL Planner (

jsk_3rdparty: assimp_devel | bayesian_belief_networks | downward | ff | ffha | julius | julius_ros | libcmt | libsiftfast | mini_maxwell | nlopt | opt_camera | pgm_learner | rospatlite | rosping | rostwitter | slic | voice_text

Package Summary

ffha: PDDL Planner (

jsk_3rdparty: assimp_devel | bayesian_belief_networks | downward | ff | ffha | julius | julius_ros | libcmt | libsiftfast | mini_maxwell | nlopt | opt_camera | pgm_learner | rospatlite | rosping | rostwitter | slic | voice_text

Package Summary

ffha: PDDL Planner (

jsk_3rdparty: assimp_devel | bayesian_belief_networks | dialogflow_task_executive | downward | ff | ffha | gdrive_ros | google_cloud_texttospeech | julius | julius_ros | libcmt | libsiftfast | mini_maxwell | nlopt | opt_camera | pgm_learner | rospatlite | rosping | rostwitter | sesame_ros | slic | voice_text

Package Summary

ffha: PDDL Planner (

jsk_3rdparty: assimp_devel | bayesian_belief_networks | downward | ff | ffha | julius | julius_ros | libcmt | libsiftfast | mini_maxwell | nlopt | opt_camera | pgm_learner | rospatlite | rosping | rostwitter | slic | voice_text

Package Summary

ffha: PDDL Planner (


Wiki: ffha (last edited 2015-02-24 05:26:11 by IsaacSaito)