This is for people who want to develop ros applications on Windows using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010(Express).
Python packages:
Python 2.7.2, and add C:\Python27\ and C:\Python27\Scripts to your PATH variable.
WinRos Python Build Tools 0.2.5 - catkin-pkg, rospkg, vcstools, wstool, win_ros
win_ros pre-compiled sdk 0.3.1 - extract into C:\opt.
Additionally extract the following archives to C:\opt.
rosdeps : boost 1.47.0, bzip2 1.06, log4cxx 0.10, tinyxml 2.6.2, eigen 3.2.1
In three shells:
> call C:\opt\ros\hydro\x86\setup.bat > roscore
> call C:\opt\ros\hydro\x86\setup.bat > roslaunch msvc_runtime talker.launch
> call C:\opt\ros\hydro\x86\setup.bat > roslaunch msvc_runtime listener.launch
For information on how to develop with the sdk, proceed to the next tutorial Msvc SDK Projects.