Show EOL distros: 

turtlebot3_applications: turtlebot3_automatic_parking | turtlebot3_automatic_parking_vision | turtlebot3_follow_filter | turtlebot3_follower | turtlebot3_panorama

Package Summary

Package for turtlebot3 automatic_parking. You need a reflective tape and real robots. You can see parking spot using this pacakge on rviz.

turtlebot3_applications: turtlebot3_automatic_parking | turtlebot3_automatic_parking_vision | turtlebot3_follow_filter | turtlebot3_follower | turtlebot3_panorama

Package Summary

Package for turtlebot3 automatic_parking. You need a reflective tape and real robots. You can see parking spot using this pacakge on rviz.

ROS Software Maintainer: ROBOTIS

ROBOTIS e-Manual



Subscribed Topics

scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
  • Topic that confirms the scan values of the LiDAR mounted on the Turtlebot3.
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
  • Contains the Turtlebot3’s odometry information based on the encoder and IMU.

Published Topics

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • Control the translational and rotational speed of the robot unit in m/s, rad/s.
scan_spot (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
  • This topic represents points of parking spot's start and end from LiDAR mounted on the Turtlebot3.
reset (std_msgs/Empty)
  • Reset Odometry and IMU Data. If you want to publish reset topic, type rostopic pub /reset std_msgs/Empty "{}".

Wiki: turtlebot3_automatic_parking (last edited 2018-04-04 08:10:48 by Gilbert)