Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Create ServicePair Messages.
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Writing a ServicePair Server (Python)

Description: Simple example of a service pair server in python.

Keywords: servicepair, rocon

Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE

Next Tutorial: Writing a ServicePair Client (Python)


This tutorial demonstrates how to write a service pair server in python. There are two ways to do this but in both all you need is a callback function to provide to the ServicePairServer class. In the first method this callback will run directly, and in the second method, this callback will be put into a thread.


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   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
   3 import rospy
   4 from chatter.msg import ChatterRequest, ChatterResponse, ChatterPair
   5 from rocon_python_comms import ServicePairServer
   7 class ChatterServer(object):
   9     def __init__(self):
  10         self.server = ServicePairServer('chatter', self.callback, ChatterPair)
  12     def callback(self, request_id, msg):
  13         rospy.loginfo("Server : I heard %s" % msg.babble)
  14         response = ChatterResponse()
  15         response.reply = "I heard %s" % msg.babble
  16         self.server.reply(request_id, response) 
  18 if __name__ == '__main__':
  19     rospy.init_node('chatter_server', anonymous=True)
  20     chatter_server = ChatterServer()
  21     rospy.spin()    


Use this when your callback will take either an indeterminate amount of time to resolve or it requires non-negligible work. To configure the server, just toggle the use_threads variable to True:

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   1     self.server = ServicePairServer('chatter', self.callback, ChatterPair, use_threads=True)

Wiki: rocon_python_comms/Tutorials/indigo/Writing a ServicePair Server (Python) (last edited 2015-08-01 04:40:57 by MarcusLiebhardt)