
stow_plug action is used to return the plug to the storage location on the robot.

The action uses the joint_trajectory_action, pr2_gripper_action, and the vision_detect_plug_action to return the plug to the last measured location and then re-detects that the plug is stowed at the desired location.

Action Goal

stow_plug/goal (pr2_plugs_msgs/StowPlugGoal)
  • This is an empty goal that starts the action.

Action Result

stow_plug/result (pr2_plugs_msgs/StowPlugResult)
  • This is an empty result.

Actions Called

r_gripper_controller/gripper_action (pr2_gripper_action)
  • This action opens and closes the gripper.
r_arm_plugs_controller/joint_trajectory_action (joint_trajectory_action)
  • This action moves the arm to a joint configuration.
r_arm_ik (pr2_arm_ik_action)
  • This action moves the arm to a given pose.
vision_detect_plug (vision_detect_plug_action)
  • This action detects the plug.

Wiki: pr2_plugs_actions/stow_plug_action (last edited 2010-02-24 22:47:08 by MeloneeWise)