Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Getting started with kinematics. |
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Getting kinematic solver info from a kinematics node
Description: This tutorial will show you how to get information about the links and joints that a kinematics solver deals with.Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE
Next Tutorial: Forward kinematics for the PR2 arms
In this tutorial, you will learn how to get information about a kinematic solver from a solver node. This information will later be used to structure forward and inverse position kinematics requests. We will get this information by querying the kinematics node using a GetKinematicSolverInfo service call.
ROS Setup
To use this tutorial make sure that you've run the following:
sudo apt-get install ros-electric-pr2-arm-navigation
Also make sure that in each terminal you use you've run:
export ROBOT=sim
Running in simulation
To use the arm planning stack, we first need to launch the simulator.
roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2_empty_world.launch
The simulator should come up.
Now, launch the arm navigation stack:
roslaunch pr2_3dnav right_arm_navigation.launch
Next, run this executable from the pr2_arm_navigation_tutorials stack:
rosrun pr2_arm_navigation_tutorials get_solver_info
If it succeeds, you should see the following output
[ INFO] 0.000000000: Joint: 0 r_shoulder_pan_joint [ INFO] 0.000000000: Joint: 1 r_shoulder_lift_joint [ INFO] 0.000000000: Joint: 2 r_upper_arm_roll_joint [ INFO] 0.000000000: Joint: 3 r_elbow_flex_joint [ INFO] 0.000000000: Joint: 4 r_forearm_roll_joint [ INFO] 0.000000000: Joint: 5 r_wrist_flex_joint [ INFO] 0.000000000: Joint: 6 r_wrist_roll_joint
The code
The code for this example can be found in the package pr2_arm_navigation_tutorials in the file src/get_solver_info.cpp , and is valid for the diamondback or electric distributions:
1 #include <ros/ros.h>
2 #include <kinematics_msgs/GetKinematicSolverInfo.h>
3 int main(int argc, char **argv){
4 ros::init (argc, argv, "get_ik_solver_info");
5 ros::NodeHandle rh;
6 ros::service::waitForService("pr2_right_arm_kinematics/get_ik_solver_info");
7 ros::ServiceClient query_client = rh.serviceClient<kinematics_msgs::GetKinematicSolverInfo>("pr2_right_arm_kinematics/get_ik_solver_info");
9 // define the service messages
10 kinematics_msgs::GetKinematicSolverInfo::Request request;
11 kinematics_msgs::GetKinematicSolverInfo::Response response;
13 if(,response))
14 {
15 for(unsigned int i=0; i< response.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names.size(); i++)
16 {
17 ROS_INFO("Joint: %d %s",i,response.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names[i].c_str());
18 }
19 }
20 else
21 {
22 ROS_ERROR("Could not call query service");
23 }
24 ros::shutdown();
25 }
The service call
2 #include <kinematics_msgs/GetKinematicSolverInfo.h>
The service we will use to query the kinematics node is the kinematics_msgs/GetKinematicSolverInfo message. The response to this service contains the following information:
- joint_names - this is the vector of names of joints that the kinematics node uses for its kinematics computations
- limits - this is a vector of joint limits for the joints. In particular, it specifies the internal joint limits used by the kinematics node.
- link_names - this is a list of links that the kinematics can perform computations for.