Tutorials on using the urdf file format:
- Create your own urdf file
In this tutorial you start creating your own urdf robot description file.
- Parse a urdf file
This tutorial teaches you how to use the urdf parser
- Create your own urdf file
このチュートリアルでは urdf robot description ファイルを自分で作成する方法を学びます.
- Parse a urdf file
This tutorial teaches you how to use the urdf parser
- Créer son propre fichier URDF (Unified Robot Description Format)
Dans ce tutoriel vous allez créer votre propre fichier urdf de description de robot.
- Understanding the PR2 URDF description, Part 2
Describes one of the low-level components of the PR2 definition in full detail.
- Understanding the PR2 Robot Description Extensions for Gazebo Simulator
This tutorial explains URDF extensions used by Gazebo simulation.
- Adding a Sensor to the PR2 URDF
This tutorial describes how to add a camera sensor to the PR2 URDF.
- Créer son propre fichier URDF (Unified Robot Description Format)
Dans ce tutoriel vous allez créer votre propre fichier urdf de description de robot.
- Building a Visual Robot Model with URDF from Scratch
Learn how to build a visual model of a robot that you can view in Rviz
- Building a Movable Robot Model with URDF
Learn how to define movable joints in URDF
- Adding Physical and Collision Properties to a URDF Model
Learn how to add collision and inertial properties to links, and how to add joint dynamics to joints.
- Using Xacro to Clean Up a URDF File
Learn some tricks to reduce the amount of code in a URDF file using Xacro
- Using a URDF in Gazebo
Preliminary tutorial on how to spawn and control your robot in Gazebo.
- Analyser un fichier urdf
Ce tutoriel vous enseigne comment utiliser l'analyseur urdf.
- Exporting URDF to COLLADA
This tutorial teaches you how to export an URDF file to a COLLADA document
- Working Directly with COLLADA
This tutorial shows how to visualize COLLADA XML files and use the in the ROS system as an alternative to URDF XML files.
- Creating a simple robot model using lxf2urdf.py
This tutorial demonstrates how to convert a Lego Digital Designer file (*.lxf and *.ldr) to a ROS robot model file (*.urdf).
- Using urdf with robot_state_publisher
このチュートリアルは robot_state_publisher を使う URDF でロボットモデルの完全な例を与えます。 最初に、すべての必要なパーツで URDF モデルを作ります。 それから私たちは JointState を配信して、そして変わるノードを書きます。 最終的に、私たちは一緒にすべてのパーツを動かします。
- Using urdf with robot_state_publisher
This tutorial gives a full example of a robot model with URDF that uses robot_state_publisher. First, we create the URDF model with all the necessary parts. Then we write a node which publishes the JointState and transforms. Finally, we run all the parts together.
- Understanding the PR2 Robot Description
This tutorial explains the layout of the top level URDF Xacro file for a complex robot such as PR2.
- utiliser un urdf avec le robot state publisher
Ce tutoriel donne un exemple complet d'un modèle de robot avec un URDF utilisant robot_state_publisher. D'abord nous créons un modèle URDF avec toutes les pièces nécessaires. Ensuite nous ecrivons un node qui publie l'état des articulations et les transformations. Enfin, on exécute le total ensemble.
- Converting SimMechanics To URDF!
A step by step tutorial.
Using URDF with kdl_parser
- Start using the KDL parser
This tutorial teaches you how to create a KDL Tree from a URDF file
- Démarrer l'utilisation de l'analyseur KDL
Ce tutoriel vous apprends comment créer un arbre KDL à partir d'un fichier URDF