0.4.7 (11/08/2011)

  • Updated tutorials for electric
  • Major changes accompanying compatibility with PR2 SE

0.3.6 (06/03/2011)

  • The ompl_ros_interface setup API has changed. Instead of specifying "manifolds" in the launch files, you need to use "state_spaces" as the field name.

0.3.5 (03/03/2011)

  • removed launch files using ompl_ros, ompl_planning
  • new launch files use node in ompl_ros_interface

0.3.3 (02/03/2011)

  • regenerated stack.xml

0.3.2 (01/28/2011)

  • took out position limits from joint_limits.yaml

0.3.1 (01/05/2011)

0.3.0 (12/27/2010)

  • new release from trunk into unstable

0.2.4 (08/27/2010)

  • updated stack dependencies

0.2.3 (06/22/2010)

  • chomp launch file with parameters that work, updating right arm only configuration and adding both arms configuration as well. chomp_planning by default launches with both arms enabled.
  • environment tutorials

0.2.2 (05/15/2010)

  • fixed joint limits for r_upper_arm_roll_joint
  • set 2cm padding on fingertips
  • no padding on points and 2cm padding on attached objects
  • more time for filtering
  • Environment server loads its own values for padding
  • Adding config file for link specific padding and loading it from everyone that needs to load it
  • Adding robot_padd local parameters for all launch files that use planning monitors. OMPL and trajectory filters padds are set to .04, kinematics and monitoring set to .02. Also adding a few more disabled links to collision_checks_both_arms to allow for the increased paddding
  • Valid node names for collision free arm nodes
  • Disabled collision checks between base_link and shoulder_pan joints so the robot can motion plan with the torso down
  • more aggressive speeds and accelerations, added more pairs to collision checks
  • added collision free trajectory controller for both arms
  • added script to change the joint controller gains

0.2.1 (03/17/2010)

  • (This is an API breaking update for compatibility with ROS 1.1) - API changes are for changes in the trajectory filtering api. The FilterJointTrajectoryRequest and FilterJointTrajectoryWithConstraintsRequest messages have been taken out. Instead, the request is now inside the FilterJointTrajectory and FilterJointTrajectoryWithConstraints messages themselves.

  • extra self collision disabling added for consecutive links in default_self_collision_operations in pr2_arm_navigation_config


  • Restructured layout of launch files
  • Each functionality gets its own set of launch files

Wiki: pr2_arm_navigation/ChangeList (last edited 2011-11-08 21:09:36 by EGilJones)