![OrSens camera OrSens camera](/orsens_ros?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=orsens_v1_1.png)
This package is a ROS wrapper of SDK for OrSens 3D-camera.
launch folder contains several files for different purposes:
orsens.launch - basic launch
orsens_stereo.launch - launch in stereo mode, for some ROS solutions, i.e. RTAB-Map stereo mapping and navigation.
orsens_calibration.launch - launch ROS stereo calibration.
Main node that publishes camera's data, as well as some results of SDK's integrated CV functions.
Published Topics
disp (sensor_msgs/Image)- Disparity image, mono8, values in range 0-255, brighter is closer.
- Depth image, 16UC1, values in millimetres.
- Left RGB image, bgr8.
- Left camera info.
- Right RGB image, bgr8.
- Right camera info.
- Point cloud.
- information about nearest obstacle: centre, width, height, direction from camera etc.
- Image mask which represents scene regions (currently floor only)
~capture_mode (string, default: "depth_only")- Determines which data to capture from the camera. Possible values are "depth_only"- capture just depth stream, "depth_left" - capture both streams, "left_only" and "left_right".
- Path to the data folder.
- An url to the left camera calibration file that will be published as left/camera_info.
- An url to the right camera calibration file that will be published as right/camera_info.
- The camera's tf frame.
- Same for depth stream.
- Request RGB stream framerate.
- Request depth stream framerate.
- Request compressed RGB stream (may solve USB bandwidth problems).
- Same for depth stream, but for future use, not working now.
- Publish depth image.
- Publish pointcloud.
- Publish left camera metadata.
- Publish right camera metadata.
- Publish information about nearest obstacle.
- Publish mask with scene regions.
Stereo visual odometry and mapping
Running samples and ROS nodes
OrSens vs. two web-cameras with stereo-matching
1. Camera's depth engine is precalibrated, but if you need to recalibrate it for some reason, please contact us at support@oriense-tech.com for instructions and software.
2. To get ROS CameraInfo use camera calibration tool via this launch file.