Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
- Maintainer: Edgar Riba <edgar.riba AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: The OpenCV team
- License: BSD
- External website:
Package Summary
OpenCV 3.0
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: The OpenCV team
- License: BSD
- External website:
Package Summary
OpenCV 3.x
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: The OpenCV team
- License: BSD
- External website:
Package Summary
OpenCV 3.x
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: The OpenCV team
- License: BSD
- External website:
Package Summary
OpenCV 3.x
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: The OpenCV team
- License: BSD
- External website:
Indigo and Jade
Since Indigo, there is a package for OpenCV3. It contains the opencv and opencv_contrib repos from Some modules might not get included because the dependencies are hard to package for all platforms (e.g. the optical character recognition module that needs tesseract).
Kinetic and above
Since Kinetic, OpenCV3 is the default. Discussion happened on!msg/ros-sig-perception/K5__71SX7eU/mxWwn3AeAwAJ.
The reasons to choose OpenCV3 are:
- OpenCV3 brings optimizations and many new features useful to robotics (calibration, object recognition ...)
- the OpenCV2 version in Debian got rid of contribution modules and things like SIFT got lost
The reasons to package it ourselves are:
- OpenCV3 is not packaged in Debian/Ubuntu yet
- packaging opencv_contrib is difficult as it needs to be compiled with OpenCV sources. OpenCV 3.2.0 should allow to build opencv_contrib with an installed OpenCV.
You would use OpenCV3 as you would usually outside of ROS but let's explain a few corner cases:
if you have OpenCV2 and OpenCV3 installed, find_package(OpenCV) in CMake will first find OpenCV3. If you want to explicitly link to OpenCV2, use find_package(OpenCV 2)
- if you have OpenCV2 and OpenCV3 installed, OpenCV3 is not on your path: libraries and headers are renamed to only be visible through CMake. Python is the only exception but you can use the guide below to get your code to work with both.
- just like with any library, you have to be careful that your binary does not link/includes directly or indirectly (through a dependency) to both OpenCV2 and OpenCV3.
A consequence of all that is that you have OpenCV3 installed in Indigo or Jade and compile from source, you need to have any OpenCV dependent package be part of your source workspace.
Switching code to OpenCV3 can be done following the official guide at
The rosdep key is opencv3.
Dual Compatibility
Now, as a maintainer, you might want to not duplicate branches and keep you code compatibility with OpenCV2. It is actually easy to write code compatible with OpenCV 2.4.9+ and 3+.
#include "opencv2/core/version.hpp" #if CV_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 // do opencv 2 code #elif CV_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 // do opencv 3 code #endif
Also, if you write OpenCV3 code, chances are high that it will also compile with OpenCV 2.4.9+. E.g., in color conversion, when replacing CV_BGR2GRAY by cv::COLOR_RGB2GRAY, your code will also compile in OpenCV2 as this API has been backported (and not documented ...).
if(OpenCV_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.0") # use 2.4 modules else() # use 3.x modules endif()
Instead of depending on opencv3, you should depend on cv_bridge or image_geometry. Depending on one of those two keys transitively makes you depend on libopencv-dev on Jade and below, or opencv3 on Kinetic and above.
image_pipeline will only pull in sensor_msgs as an extra dependency while cv_bridge will also pull in boost, python and rosconsole so it depends on whether you go for something small or something you need.
Building the Package
The package is slightly patched from upstream to not build certain things like tests and examples. It is released through bloom using a tar file as source. In case you ever need to build your own package, this tar file is obtained with the following:
1 #!/bin/bash
2 mkdir tmp
3 cd tmp
4 # the two lines below will fail in case it's not the first time we clone
5 git clone
6 git clone
8 # revert the main CMakeLists.txt file in case it's not the first time
9 cd opencv
10 git reset --hard HEAD
11 git checkout master
12 git clean -dxf
13 git reset --hard HEAD
14 git pull --rebase
15 # Use that date because of:
16 git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --before="2017-04-01 00:00" master`
17 #git checkout 3.2.0
19 cd ../opencv_contrib
20 git checkout master
21 git reset --hard HEAD
22 git pull --rebase
23 git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --before="2017-04-01 00:00" master`
24 #git checkout 3.2.0
25 cd ../
27 cp -fr ./opencv_contrib/modules ./opencv/opencv_contrib
29 # revert the main CMakeLists.txt file in case it's not the first time
30 cd opencv
31 # Disable dnn for now.
32 rm -fr ./opencv_contrib/dnn
33 git checkout CMakeLists.txt
34 sed -i 's/set(OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Where to look for additional OpenCV modules")/set(OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\/opencv_contrib\/" CACHE PATH "Where to look for additional OpenCV modules")/' ./CMakeLists.txt
35 # Disable tests
36 sed -i 's/OCV_OPTION(BUILD_PERF_TESTS "Build performance tests" ON IF (NOT APPLE_FRAMEWORK) )/OCV_OPTION(BUILD_PERF_TESTS "Build performance tests" OFF)/' ./CMakeLists.txt
37 sed -i 's/OCV_OPTION(BUILD_TESTS "Build accuracy \& regression tests" ON IF (NOT APPLE_FRAMEWORK) )/OCV_OPTION(BUILD_TESTS "Build accuracy \& regression tests" OFF)/' ./CMakeLists.txt
38 # Enable Qt
39 sed -i 's/OCV_OPTION(WITH_QT "Build with Qt Backend support" OFF IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS AND NOT WINRT) )/OCV_OPTION(WITH_QT "Build with Qt Backend support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS AND NOT WINRT) )/' ./CMakeLists.txt
40 # Enable mangled path to have two OpenCV installable side by side
41 sed -i 's/OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_TO_MANGLED_PATHS "Enables mangled install paths, that help with side by side installs." OFF IF (UNIX AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT APPLE_FRAMEWORK AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) )/OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_TO_MANGLED_PATHS "Enables mangled install paths, that help with side by side installs." ON)/' ./CMakeLists.txt
42 #sed -i 's/OCV_OPTION(WITH_IPP "Include Intel IPP support" NOT MINGW IF (X86_64 OR X86) AND NOT WINRT )/OCV_OPTION(WITH_IPP "Include Intel IPP support" OFF)/' ./CMakeLists.txt
43 sed -i 's/set(OPENCV_DLLVERSION "")/set(OPENCV_DLLVERSION "3")/' ./CMakeLists.txt
44 echo "install(FILES package.xml DESTINATION share/opencv3)" >> ./CMakeLists.txt
46 cd ../
48 # when configuring bloom the first time, use the tar file created above
49 rm ./opencv.tar.gz
50 tar --exclude-vcs -zcf ./opencv.tar.gz ./opencv/*
We need to use a .tar archive and not an upstream repo because we are packaging opencv_contrib too and it cannot be packaged independently: the official way of compiling it is by incorporating it into the OpenCV sources.
Then, just download the opencv3-release repo at and:
git-bloom-release kinetic
OpenCV3 still evolves a lot, though the API is stable. You can expect more GSOC projects to be integrated and more CMake modularity.