This page lists changes that were made in the 1.0.x series of navigation.
For future plans, see the roadmap. See also navigation/Releases.
1.0.7 (2010-06-04)
Allow filter to initialize from vo measurement <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 3885)>>
Don't crash when the current directory is not writable <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4121)>>.
Fixed a bug where if the prune_plan parameter was set, not enough of the global plan would be transformed to the odometric frame
- The local planner now takes acceleration limits into account when slowing down to reach a goal and rotating in place.
- The local planner outputs an error when "acc_limit" is used instead of "acc_lim" since the documentation was wrong.
- Fixed a bug in the cost returned from laying down the robot's footprint
1.0.6 (2010-04-15)
- Modified to be multi-robot friendly
- Fixing a bug in converting a plan from cell to world coordinates
- Fixing a bug in how the voxel grid was resized
1.0.5 - (2010-04-05)
- Changing ROS_ASSERT to ROS_FATAL with a std::runtime_error when checking for legal configurations.
- Costmap2DROS is now const correct
1.0.4 - (2010-02-24)
- Messages now automatically generated from a .action file instead of being manually generated and checked in
- Fixed a problem where debugging information was saved all the time. This was especially troublesome on the shared install on the robot where users don't have write permissions.
- Fixed a bug in the validPointPotential method that could cause it to return false incorrectly
- Changed the map_saver to use a latched topic instead of a service call to get the map.
- Fixed a bug where the map_saver would save unknown space with a color value that did not match the threshold it wrote out to its yaml file.
1.0.3 (2010-02-10)
- fix compile warning
- wait for tf messages to become available before activating the imu sensor
- moved some less useful ros_info prints to ros_debug
- Added a getPlanFromPotential function call that allows efficient planning to multiple goals from a single start point.
1.0.2 (2010-01-27)
- A call to clearNonLethalWindow now affects the voxel grid and not just the costmap to keep the two consistent.
- Added a warning if the inflation_radius parameter is less than the radii of the robot.
- Fixed a bug in raytracing that wouldn't allow a marked column to become an unknown column.
- Now checks for invalid quaternions sent as goals, aborts on them and prints errors
- Fixed a bug where nans and infs could be passed over the wire for orientation values
- Now warns when a goal or start position is off the global costmap
- Removed deprecated use of tf::remap in favor of tf::resolve
1.0.1 (2010-01-22)
- imu data is now transformed to the base frame using tf
1.0.0 (2010-01-14)
* 1.0 Release!