1.9.8 (2013-02-03)
- Updated wiimote for new Catkin API
1.9.7 (2013-01-22)
- Removing redundant catkin test_depend tags
1.9.6 (2012-12-20)
- Added missing install targets for scripts
1.9.5 (2012-12-14)
- Fixes for changes to catkin
1.9.4 (2012-11-6)
- Fixing install targets
1.9.3 (2012-11-4)
- Cleanup of non-existent catkin arguments
1.9.2 (2012-11-4)
- Fixes for changes to catkin
= 1.9.1 (11-4-12) =
- Fixes for changes to catkin
1.9.0 (11-3-12)
- Switched over to groovy catkin
- spacenav is now installed via debian packages instead of SVN/tarball