Ach Track
- Nick Armstrong-Crews
- Brian Gerkey
- Geoffrey Biggs
- Joe Romano
- Nico Hochgeschwender
- Bob Dean
- Azamat Shakhimardanov
- Mike Stilman
- Neil Dantam
ROS Threading and Communications Model
- One thread for sockets and XML-RPC
- Multiplexes file descriptors with poll/select
- Puts messages into queue
- One thread to process messages
- ros::spin()
- processes the messages queued up by the socket thread
- Other threads
- Can register specific callbacks with specific threads
- Can start up other threads as desired
ACHROS Approach
- To minimize latency, it is desirable to minimize context switching.
- Thus, the thread that pulls the message out of the channel should be the thread to handle (invoke the callback on) that message.
- Callback is stored in the per-topic subscription object
- ACHROS could pull that callback out of the subscription object and
- invoke it directly.
- The File Descriptor / Condition Variable Disconnect
- ROS topics accessed via file descriptors which are waited on in a
- poll/select
- Access to ach channel is mediated by a mutex/condition variable
- which subscribers will wait on
- POSIX offers no way for one thread to wait on multiple condition
- variables
- Two options to access Ach channel
- (1) Poll the channel
- (2) Wait (on condition variable) for the channel
- Both used by GT-Humanoids, waiting when process has only couple
- channels, polling when there are many channels.
- ROS topics accessed via file descriptors which are waited on in a
- Electric already branched out
- Work off of trunk
- Even/Odd Stable/Unstable version numbering
- ROS REP 106 describes a polling API for ROS subscriptions. This
- might be a good fit for Ach's model which supports both waiting and polling for messages.
- Nico: try to build Ach
- Neil: continue Ach integration and send patches to Troy Straszheim
- at WG
WIFI Track
Specific Issues from Lincoln Lab Group (Nick)
- Project: multi-robot mapping, teleop with video and laser data to
- operator
- Problems when out of WIFI range, messages queue up then burst when
- back in WIFI range, even with UDP.
- Bufferbloat: the WIFI layer detects packet loss (no ACK of WIFI
- packet) and retransmits. This causes large and unacceptable latency.
- Used Linksys Router and 1w (WIFI max power) Ubiquiti router.
- Sending large UDP messages works fine when extra network capacity
- Lincoln developed network monitor to track health of connections, ie
- ping times
- Communicates data as ROS messages
- nodes can then dynamically adjust ie jpeg compression based on
- available bandwidth
- Possible to release the Network Manager
- 45-day review process at LL
- Want some way to request a certain amount of network bandwidth
- LL usings trickle/IPtables to enforce contracts
- Perhaps ROS needs a "Network Master" to manage QoS
- Question: what are the IP and Kernel layer QoS options?
Kinect/Pointclouds over WIFI
- Some Smart compression for point clouds
- Uses deltas, so good for static scenes but bad for mobile robots
- Naive GZIP stream compression: not good enough
- WG sends point clouds over WIFI
- low frequency
- takes over network
- Nick: Start release process for LL Network Monitor
- Nick: Check Network/Kernel QoS options
- Joe Romano, PhD at UPenn, interest in haptics and feedback control
- Brian Gerkey, Director of Open Source at Willow Garage, did lots of early ROS development
- Azamat Shakhimardanov, PhD at Bonn, interest in control and middleware
- Mike Stilman, Professor at Georgia Tech, interest in planning and control
- Neil Dantam, PhD at Georgia Tech, interest in formal methods for control
- Patrick Mihelich
IPC Use Cases
- Real-time control: minimal latency
- Vision-Pipelines: minimize copying and latency
- Wireless communication over unreliable links
Multiple Transports
- Different applications probably require different transport semantics and implementation tradeoffs.
- Appropriate to support multiple transports, and ROS provides some infrastructure to do this.
- Implement multiple transports. Community can try and decide which are appropriate.
ROS Transport Status
- Supports UDP and TCP
Multi-Transport Support
- Trivial to add to XMLRPC protocol
- More work to add roscpp implimentation.
- Keeping the same external API across multiple transports also difficult.
Current WIFI Issues
- TCP: stream backs up when many packets dropped
- UDP: multi-packet messages (ie big images) get lost when any packet in the message is dropped
- If initial connect to publisher fails (due to dropped packets), subscriber assumes publisher is dead.
Fast, single-host transport
- Real-Time control needs minimal latency
- Vision needs minimal copies and low latency
- Vision probably will still requires each process to copy the message to its own address space.
- Socket-like interface
- Can be run over unix-domain sockets
- Also does networking
- Supports single-slot buffer or queued messages.
- Multiple subscribers will each "remove" a message from the queue, preventing others from seeing it.
- Handles serialization also via XDR.
- Does networking, reliable/unreliable message transport.
- Unique semantics for message-passing.
- Always access newest message. Older messages on best-effort basis.
- Distribution to n subscribes require n+1 memcpy's. (Point-to-point sockets generally take 2*n memcpy's due to in-kernel buffer)
Initial Plan
Two Tracks
- Investigate wireless transport needs.
- Integrate Ach as a roscpp transport. Maybe stretch internal API. Try not to change external API.
Individual Tasks
- Everybody: Consider transport-over-WIFI needs and investigate options.
- Brian: Poll ROS users on their needs for wireless transports.
- Neil: Get Ach building as a ROS package. Check roscpp code to for how to integrate Ach.
- Joe: Test a ros-integrated Ach.
- Azamat: Review API differences between ZeroMQ, RCSLib, and Ach
Future Work
- Use Ach integration experience to integrate other transports (ie, ZeroMQ)
- Ach-ros bindings for other languages (ie Python, Common Lisp)
Next Meeting
- No need for full meeting at IROS, but introductions are good.
- Continue discussion on mailing list.
- Skype again in a couple weeks to make sure everyone is caught up.