Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Configuration of ROS-Industrial on Fanuc controllers. |
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Running the ROS-Industrial driver programs on your Fanuc robot
Description: This tutorial explains how to run the ROS-Industrial programs installed in the previous tutorial(s) in simulation and on the real hardware.Keywords: Fanuc, Roboguide, Industrial, R-30iA, R-J3iC, KAREL, TP
Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE
This page provides instructions on how to verify correct installation of the ROS-Industrial programs on your Fanuc robot and on how to run them for use with the fanuc_X_support and fanuc_M_moveit_config packages provided through the ROS-Industrial repositories.
Whenever this page refers to packages, please replace X with the robot series, and M with the robot variant. See Working with ROS-Industrial Robot Support Packages for more information.
In order to be able to complete this tutorial, you should have access to the following:
the fanuc_driver package and the appropriate support package for your robot (fanuc_X_support)
the appropriate moveit or arm_navigation (deprecated) package for your specific robot variant (fanuc_M_moveit_config)
- a Linux PC to run the ROS nodes and RVIZ
- an installation of Fanuc Roboguide (only used for simulation)
- a Windows PC or VM for Roboguide (only used for simulation)
Running in Auto mode means only the e-stop (on the TP or on the controller cabinet) can be used to stop the robot in an emergency. Always adhere to safety regulations and take proper precautions when working with the real robot.
This section is unfinished, and assumes familiarity with ROS-Industrial robot support and MoveIt configuration packages. See Working with ROS-Industrial Robot Support Packages for more detailed information on how to work with these packages.
Test fanuc_X_support nodes with Roboguide. On the TP, start the rosstate TPE program. On the Linux PC, run:
roslaunch fanuc_X_support robot_state_visualize_M.launch robot_ip:=IP_OF_ROBOGUIDE use_bswap:=false
Verify J2/J3 coupling by jogging the robot in Roboguide. RVIZ should show same movements. See the J3 on TP and joint_3 in ROS do not match entry in the FAQ for some more information regarding J2/J3 coupling.
When done, ABORT the rosstate program. ctrl+c the ROS session.
Test fanuc_X_support nodes with real robot. On the TP, start the rosstate TPE program. On the Linux PC, run:
roslaunch fanuc_X_support robot_state_visualize_M.launch robot_ip:=IP_OF_ROBOT
Again, verify correspondence RVIZ and real robot by joggingWhen done, ABORT the rosstate program. ctrl+c the ROS session.
Test fanuc_X_support and fanuc_M_moveit_configuration nodes with real robot in mode T1. On the TP, start the ros TPE program. On Linux PC, run:
roslaunch fanuc_M_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false robot_ip:=IP_OF_ROBOT
from the MoveIt configuration package. Now perform simple motions (see the MoveIt! RViz Plugin Tutorial for how to work with the MoveIt RViz plugin). This mode requires the operator holding the TP and depressing the deadman.
When done, ABORT the ros program. ctrl+c the ROS session.
Test fanuc_X_support and fanuc_M_moveit_configuration nodes with real robot in mode T2 or Auto. On the TP, start the ros TPE program. On Linux PC, run:
roslaunch fanuc_M_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false robot_ip:=IP_OF_ROBOT
again from the MoveIt configuration package and plan and execute some motions. Remember that in T2 mode, the operator still needs to depress the TP deadman.
When done, ABORT the ros program. ctrl+c the ROS session.
Be sure to check the Troubleshooting page of the fanuc_driver package for known errors and their remedies.