Cookbook/Common issues
Eigen mostly achieves a pleasantly readable mathematical syntax, but quirks of the C++ language sometimes show through. This section lists some common gotchas you may encounter when using Eigen.
Structures containing Eigen types as members
Suppose you are using a fixed-size vectorizable Eigen type in one of your own structures, which you allocate dynamically:
Eigen ensures that Eigen::Vector2d v is 128-bit aligned with respect to the start of Foo. Stack-allocating an instance of Foo will also respect the alignment. The problem comes when dynamically allocating an instance of Foo; the default operator new is not required to allocate a 128-bit aligned block of data, so member foo_ptr->v may be misaligned.
To address this, Eigen provides a macro which overloads Foo's operator new to Do The Right Thing:
Full explanation:
Using Eigen types with STL containers
When using fixed-size vectorizable Eigen types in STL containers, you must use an aligned allocator. Eigen provides one:
Unfortunately the situation with std::vector is complicated by a defect in the current C++ language definition; Eigen provides a header specifically to make std::vector work with aligned types:
2 #include <Eigen/StdVector>
4 std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> > v;
The macro EIGEN_USE_NEW_STDVECTOR will avoid some problems with the original version of Eigen/StdVector and make your code forward-compatible with future versions of Eigen.
Full explanation:
Syntax for calling member templates
Eigen's matrix types are class templates, allowing you to configure them on element type, storage order (e.g. row-major or col-major), or specify fixed sizes for one or both dimensions. Some member functions of these matrix types have template parameters of their own which the user must specify explicitly; these are member templates.
For example, Eigen's MatrixBase (inherited by Matrix) has a useful member template block, which returns a read-write view of a sub-block of a matrix:
1 template<int BlockRows, int BlockCols>
2 ReturnType block(int startRow, int startCol);
If we know the dimensions of the block at compile time, specifying them as template parameters is a nice win; it avoids unnecessary dynamic memory allocations, and may allow Eigen to perform optimizations such as vectorization and loop unrolling. Unfortunately, calling a member template can be tricky:
1 // This works:
2 void transform(Eigen::Matrix<double,3,4>& m,
3 const Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> trans,
4 const Eigen::Quaternion<double> qrot)
5 {
6 m.block<3,3>(0,0) = qrot.toRotationMatrix().transpose();
7 m.block<3,1>(0,3) = -m.block<3,3>(0,0) * trans;
8 }
10 // But when we template on the element type, this fails to compile!
11 template<typename T>
12 void transform(Eigen::Matrix<T,3,4>& m,
13 const Eigen::Matrix<T,3,3> trans,
14 const Eigen::Quaternion<T> qrot)
15 {
16 m.block<3,3>(0,0) = qrot.toRotationMatrix().transpose();
17 m.block<3,1>(0,3) = -m.block<3,3>(0,0) * trans;
18 }
In the second (templated) case, not only will it (correctly) fail to compile, gcc will misparse the expression so thoroughly that you get error messages along the lines of "warning: left-hand operand of comma has no effect", "error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment", "error: invalid operands of types '<unresolved overloaded function type>' and 'int' to binary 'operator<'".
What happened? In the second case, the matrix types are dependent on the template parameter T. Dependent types require us to give the compiler a little extra help. We need to preface the name of the member template with the keyword template:
1 // Correct!
2 template<typename T>
3 void transform(Eigen::Matrix<T,3,4>& m,
4 const Eigen::Matrix<T,3,3> trans,
5 const Eigen::Quaternion<T> qrot)
6 {
7 m.template block<3,3>(0,0) = qrot.toRotationMatrix().transpose();
8 m.template block<3,1>(0,3) = -m.template block<3,3>(0,0) * trans;
9 }
Using other Eigen functions, below is another (perhaps cleaner) way to write the function body. Note that col is not a member template.
1 m.template corner<3,3>(Eigen::TopLeft) = qrot.toRotationMatrix().transpose();
2 m.col(3) = -m.template corner<3,3>(Eigen::TopLeft) * trans;
Member functions of Eigen::MatrixBase which are member templates include block, cast, corner, end, lpNorm, part, segment, and start. Many of these functions have overloads which are not member templates; those replace the template arguments with regular function arguments, which is more flexible but introduces runtime overhead.
Creating typedefs for Eigen types
Creating a typedef for a fully-defined Eigen type is easy:
1 typedef Eigen::Matrix<float,3,1> Point;
3 Point pt;
But what if we want to parameterize our Point type over floats and doubles? Then we want something like:
Unfortunately C++ does not currently allow template typedefs (they will be in C++0x with different syntax). The standard workaround is to make Point a "meta-function" that returns the desired type through its member typedef type:
This approach is still fairly simple, but introduces a bit of syntactic noise since the user has to remember to add ::type. Another approach is to use inheritance:
This looks like what we want; unfortunately the derived class Point does not inherit the constructors or assignment operators of the base Eigen type, so Point will not inter-operate nicely with regular Eigen matrices. Here is a more complex definition of Point that fixes those issues:
1 template<typename T>
2 class Point : public Eigen::Matrix<T,3,1>
3 {
4 typedef Eigen::Matrix<T,3,1> BaseClass;
6 public:
7 // 3-element constructor, delegates to base class constructor
8 Point(const T& x, const T& y, const T& z)
9 : BaseClass(x, y, z)
10 {}
12 // Copy constructor from any Eigen matrix type
13 template<typename OtherDerived>
14 Point(const Eigen::MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other)
15 : BaseClass(other)
16 {}
18 // Reuse assignment operators from base class
19 using BaseClass::operator=;
20 };
22 // Now all of these operations work
23 Point<float> pt(1.0, 2.5, -3.1);
24 Eigen::Vector3f v = pt;
25 pt = v;
26 Point<float> pt2(v);