AlgorihthmEval: configuring over XML
The XML tag AlgorithmEval contains four elemens on top level:
<LocateAlgorithm or RefineAlgorihtm or ProveAlgorihtm or AttentionAlgorithm /> <AlgType></AlgType> <Eval></Eval> <AvgTime></AvgTime>
The first (necessarily the first) will be loaded by on of the plugin loader for Algorithms (Locate, Refine, Prove, Attention), this tag can have any name.
The second one specifies if the algorithm is able be iteratively called and if it can work to detect more than one object.
Eval and Avg time are the initial Evaluation.
Possible LocateAlgorithm are:
Name |
Description |
XML Configuration |
Required Descriptors |
FaceDetection |
Uses OpenCV Face Detection to detect human faces in an RGB camera image |
ShapeBased3DAlg |
CAD matching |
TwoInOneAlg |
Applies two Locatealgorithms sequentially |
None |
IntersectTwoRuns |
Applies a Locatealgorithms on two readings of different sensors. |
None |
CheckColorClass |
Simple color classification |
DeformShapeBasedAlg |
Perspective shape model matching |
FindCalTab |
Locate a Calbration plate |
ClusterDetector |
Extracts euclidean Clusters from range data |
!HClusterDetector |
Extracts euclidean Clusters from range data |
SurfaceDetection |
Matches 3D Surfaces |
DetectTransparentObjectCandidatet |
Creates Candidates for Transparent objects |
PanCakeDetector |
Detects bright region inside a matched planar template (Names are more specialized than the method) |
DetectPlate |
Locates the most complete circle of a specific size in an image (Names are more specialized than the method) |
Possible RefineAlgorithm are:
Name |
Description |
XML Configuration |
Required Descriptors |
Resulting Descriptor |
RFAClassByDPs |
Uses a descriptor based classification to determine a class based on a SVM classifier trained for a predefined set of classes |
Uses a TransparentObjectCandidate to verify the transparancy at a certain location |
RFADeformByCluster |
Learns a planar shape model which can be matched perspective invariant |
RFAColorByShape |
Learns a planar shape model which can be matched perspective invariant |
Learns a planar shape model which can be matched perspective invariant |
unbound class |
Classifies objects using objects_of_daily_use_finder package |
Possible Attention Algorithms are:
Name |
Description |
XML Configuration |
Required Descriptors |
Resulting Descriptor |
Reports all Barcodes in the current image, with an increasing certainty for repeated views. |
none |