An example of using the packages can be seen in Robots/CIR-KIT-Unit03.
This package sequentially navigates a robot via move_base by sending waypoints generated by waypoint_generator.
Specify a waypoint file to load.
Copy a waypoint file to waypoint_navigator/waypoints.
Edit an argument waypointsfile in waypoint_navigator/launch/waypoint_nagigator.launch to the copied one.
Run base nodes for CIR-KIT-Unit03.
For Real Robot
Bring up all components and run navigation related packages. For instance, the following package from [cirkit_unit03_apps]( should be a good example.
roslaunch cirkit_unit03_autorun autorun.launch
For Gazebo
[cirkit_unit03_apps]( also includes a simlar autorun launch file for Gazebo.
roslaunch cirkit_unit03_autorun autorun_gazebo.launch
Start navigation.
- Finally you can experience our sequential navigation from the following command!
roslaunch waypoint_navigator waypoint_navigator.launch
- Your robot should be navigated soon.