bloom is a release automation tool, to learn more about what bloom is and how it works (design documentation) see the website:
By default, bloom releases packages to the public build farm. See for more information about and policies relating to the public build farm.
Submitting a package for indexing
- This is not specifically bloom related but is a related task to the first time release. Making the release below will prompt to add the package source to the index too.
Releasing a package for the first time
- Start with this tutorial if the packages you want to release have not been released previously.
Releasing a new version of a catkin package
- Start with this tutorial if the packages you want to release have been released before.
If you have two factor authorization enabled on github, and you want bloom to be able to manually create pull requests for you:
Some helpful information to maintain a ROS package which are not directly related to bloom:
Here are some unofficial notes and tutorials which can provided additional help if you are having trouble releasing:
For general documentation and API documentation see:
Continuous Integration status:
If you have problems please visit the bloom repository and submit an issue.
Dirk's talk about the ROS Build Farm at ROSCon 2016: