UploadArchives Errors
The android gradle plugin is still relatively young and doesn't behave perfectly with the java plugin. As a result, when uploading for a binary package you'll see this kind of error:
[ant:null] Error reading settings file '/tmp/gradle_empty_settings5104946485968637537.xml' - ignoring. Error was: /tmp/gradle_empty_settings5104946485968637537.xml (No such file or directory)
Don't worry about it - it has no effect on the build.
If you're really fussy it can be eliminated with the following code and a change of task in the subprojects section of your root build.gradle file:
task publishToMavenl() << { description = 'installs .aar files to the local maven repository.' } afterEvaluate { Project project -> if (plugins.findPlugin('android-library')) { publishToMaven.dependsOn('uploadArchives') } }
Alternatively, you could always feed it:
artifacts { archives someFile }