Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS is our current test setup
You can download it from here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04.2/ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso
Download VirtualBox - These instructions were written with vs 4.3.28-10 http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.3.28/VirtualBox-4.3.28-100309-Win.exe
- Install Oracle Virtual Machine
Under Settings --> Storage --> Click CD icon and select the ubuntu image
- Following the instructions for setting up Ubuntu based on your particular robot configuration
- Keep in mind that the default ubuntu installer creates a /swap partition equal to the amount of memory you set in the virtual machine settings.
- So either don't use the auto partition settings and set your swap to something reasonable like 2 gig. (Look for the "something else" button during the install)
- Or set the hard drive to be at least 8 gig larger than you set for the memory size. The default ubuntu desktop install is about 4.5gb, running out of space is a pain to fix.
- After install you may need to fix the screen resolution
With the virtual machine off Settings-> Display -> Video Memory set it to 128MB
With the virtual machine running go to Devices -> Insert Guest Addition CD
- Say "yes" if prompted
Make sure you bridge the network between the virtual box and your wireless router. You can use other settings but the bridge mode was tested with these directions.
Settings->Network (Attached to) --> Select the wireless adapter on you host computer.