Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Industrial/Tutorials/Create_a_Arm_Nav_Pkg_for_an_Industrial_Robot, Industrial/Tutorials/Create_a_MoveIt_Pkg_for_an_Industrial_Robot. |
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Verifying a new robot package (Implementation Notes)
Description:Keywords: ArmNavigation MoveIt
Tutorial Level: ADVANCED
New Robot Verification Steps
This procedure should be used whenever connecting to a robot for the first time. For the most part these steps are included in the two tutorials above. They are summarized here for convenience.
Virtual Robot Verification
- Interact within rviz to verify the URDF is set up properly:
roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=<robot.urdf> gui:=True
- move the joint-sliders to verify the robot moves correctly
- especially check that the joint directions (pos vs. neg motion) and zero position are correct
- Run the planning scene in simulation mode to verify the arm_navigation (or moveit) package is configured correctly
- Launch the warehouse package
Arm Navigation:roslaunch <robot>_arm_navigation planning_scene_warehouse_viewer_<robot>.launch
Move It:roslaunch <robot>_moveit_config demo.launch
- try planning a trajectory and executing it. The virtual robot should move.
- Launch the warehouse package
Real Robot Verification
- Run the robot interface nodes to verify connectivity with the robot:
roslaunch industrial_robot_client robot_interface.launch robot_ip:=<your robot’s IP address> (Note: If you robot requires a vendor specific robot_interface then use that one instead).
- rostopic echo joint_states (should match the robot’s joint positions)
- Verify the planning scene environment matches the phsycial robot and it's surroundings.
Arm Navigation: roslaunch myRobot_arm_navigation planning_scene_warehouse_viewer_myRobot_real.launch (This file is made manually in the Industrial arm navigation tutorial, actual usage may vary)
Move It: roslaunch <robot_name>_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false robot_ip:=<robot's IP> (This file is made manually in the Industrial moveit tutorial, actual usage may vary)
- jog the physical robot around, and verify that the rviz model mirrors the physical robot correctly.
- make sure and test every joint, and check for unusual cases: wrap-around joints, limits, coupled-joints, etc.
- Execute a planned trajectory on the physical robot
- plan a trajectory in rviz pick something “safe”, like a small motion of joint 6.
- if the trajectory looks good, execute on the real robot