API review
Proposer: Sachin
Present at review:
- Eric
- Matei
- Kaijen
- Gil
- Tully
Question / concerns / comments
- Please review the messages in the API specification. The documentation is within the messages themselves. There are still questions regarding supporting multi-dof joints within this api.
- The specification of orientation constraints will also be significantly simplified by taking out the constraint_region_pose specification and leaving in only the constraint_region_shape specification which will serve as a tolerance/constraint region centered at the goal orientation specified in the message.
The service GetDynamicMotionPlan will be removed
- Two additional messages that have not been auto-updated yet are also up for review: [motion_planning_msgs/CollisionOperation]
string COLLISION_SET_ALL="all" uint8 DISABLE=0 uint8 ENABLE=1 string object1 string object2 uint8 operation
and [motion_planning_msgs/OrderedCollisionOperations]
motion_planning_msgs/CollisionOperation[] collision_operations
Also review GetIKWithCollision and IKRequest (contains robot_state)
- All uint8 that should be bools will be converted to bools.
New proposal for SplineTraj and SplineTrajSegment
Rename to SplineTrajectory and SplineTrajectorySegment
SplineTrajectory: Header header SplineTrajectorySegment[] segments string[] joint_names SplineTrajectorySegment: Spline[] splines Duration duration Spline: float64[] coefficients
- very similar to trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory (which also contains velocities and accelerations)
- what is the header used for?
- it seems that by convention all messages here refer strictly to joint positions
- is this OK? Is it possible that a motion planner might want to deal with velocities / accelerations as well?
if they remain like this, rename so that it is clear that they only refer to positions. The fact that they reside in motion_planning_msgs (as opposed to kinematic_msgs for example) obscures that. E.g. JointState -> JointPositionState
- it seems that by convention all messages here refer strictly to joint positions
- just listing here the much-discussed problem of the default value for the robot state.
- how does one specify "use the current state of the robot"?
- worried about the weight, which I think defaults to 0. If all weights are 0 is this handled graciously, or must the caller always set some reasonable weights?
should there be a JointConstraint with no weights, and then a WeightedJointConstraint message?
change field comment inside message file: "# The desired pose of the robot link" -> "The desired position of the robot link"
- how do we specify "I want the link above this plane" (e.g. the table)?
- the "shape" of a constraint in {yaw, pitch, roll} space is a difficult concept, but we've discussed this before at length and might not have a better alternative
- what makes it "simple"?
why is it not a combination of a PositionConstraint and an OrientationConstraint?
- what does tolerance specified as x,y,z mean for an orientation specified as a quaternion?
- specifying "ALL" as a particular string inside of "objectx" is not ideal (even if the string is defined inside the message). Alternative would be adding two boolean flags, object1_all and object2_all
- is this superseded to some degree by the new mechanism for enabling / disabling collisions?
- not documented
Meeting agenda
To be filled out by proposer based on comments gathered during API review period
- Review in the following order
JointPath, JointPathPoint are derivatives of JointTrajectory
IKService -> should this have RobotState
JointConstraint, PositionConstraint, OrientationConstraint, SimplePoseConstraint
- Constraints
- IKWithCollisionService
- Ideas for robot state
- frame_id:
- child_frame_id:
- x: bool
- y: bool
- z: bool
- rotx: bool
- roty: bool
- rotz: bool
JointTrajectoryPoint[] points
PoseTrajectory[] poses
Package status change mark change manifest)
Action items that need to be taken.
Major issues that need to be resolved
Remove JointPath and instead use JointTrajectory everywhere.
Get rid of wraparound field in JointLimits, JointTrajectoryWithLimits is fine.
Use sensor_msgs/JointState, ask for field accelerations in there.
Add MultiDOFJointStates
- :string frame_id :string child_frame_id :string joint_name - use groups to resolve this to "base_x_joint", etc. :Pose
Take out header from joint state message
Robot state should contain arrays of joint states and pose states
IK Request should contain robot state + ik link names
Joint constraints - take out header
Position constraints - take out position, add offset from link
Orientation constraints - 3 special cases, (a) fixed, (b) 1-dof around a world fixed axis (b) 1 dof around a gripper fixed axis, tolerances, quaternion, type, axis.
IKService - add robot state, IKWithCollisionService is ok
Acceptable contacts - specify as region names and then specify ordered collision operations on them
Take out pose state
Try not to use uint8 anywhere
GetMotionPlan service
- Add ordered collision operations to it
- Change acceptable contacts to be just named regions
Must return RobotTrajectory and RobotState
- Return enum error code
- remove errors
- Add penetration depth information to ordered collisions