Only released in EOL distros:  

knowrob: bosch_semantic_map | comp_cop | comp_germandeli | comp_orgprinciples | comp_spatial | comp_temporal | ias_knowledge_base | ias_prolog_addons | ias_semantic_map | jpl | json_prolog | knowrob_actions | knowrob_common | knowrob_objects | mod_probcog | mod_srdl | mod_vis | rosprolog | semweb | srldb | tf_prolog | thea

Package Summary

json_prolog provides an interface to SWI prolog through ROS services. It is implemented in Java by using rosjava and JPL.

knowrob: comp_cop | comp_orgprinciples | comp_semantic_map | comp_spatial | comp_temporal | ias_knowledge_base | ias_prolog_addons | ias_semantic_map | jpl | json_prolog | json_prolog_msgs | knowrob_actions | knowrob_cad_parser | knowrob_common | knowrob_objects | knowrob_omics | mod_probcog | mod_srdl | mod_vis | rosprolog | semweb | srldb | tf_prolog | thea

Package Summary

json_prolog provides an interface to SWI prolog through ROS services. It is implemented in Java by using rosjava and JPL.

This package provides methods for querying the KnowRob ontology via ROS.

Command-Line Parameters

json_prolog can load the file of a ros package at startup. Just pass the corresponding ros package name as first parameter.

rosrun json_prolog json_prolog comp_germandeli

Client Libraries

Examples on how to use the different client libraries can be found in the examples subdirectory.


For interfacing json_prolog, the python client library provides the class Prolog as an interface for making queries and the class PrologQuery to encapsulate results.

Solutions are python dictionaries that map variables to their bindings. Prolog lists are represented as lists. Atoms are represented as strings. More complex terms are represented as dictionaries with the sole mapping from term to a list of values. The first value is always an atom, i.e. a python string. The other values can be of any valid result type, i.e. again a dictionary containing a term, a string, a list or a number.

The class Prolog provides two methods:

  • query(query_str, incremental=False): Performs a query and returns a an instance of type PrologQuery. The incremental parameter indicates if the query should be processed "at-once", i.e. all solutions are generated, or if solutions should be generated incrementally. Incrementally generated solutions allow to handle queries with an infinite number of solutions. The PrologQuery object provides the following methods:

    • solutions(): returns a generator for the solutions of the query.

    • finish(): Finishes the query.

  • once(query_str: Query for exactly one solution. This returns the dictionary of the first solution.


The main interface class of the C++ client is json_prolog::Prolog. It provides the methods:

  • query(const std::string &query_str, bool incremental=false): Performs a query and returns a PrologQueryProxy object.

  • once(const std::string &query_str): Performs a query and returns the first solution.

The class json_prolog::!Prolog provides a very simplistic container like interface to a sequence of bindings. In particular, it provides the methods begin() that returns an iterator to the beginning of the prolog result, end() that returns a past-end iterator and the method finish() to close the query.

Dereferencing a PrologQueryProxy::Iterator returns an instance of type json_prolog::!PrologBindings. This class essentially is a std::map<std::string, json_prolog::PrologValue> that maps variables to their actual values. The PrologValue class is a wrapper around boost::any with support for the types

  • double
  • int
  • string
  • list
  • term
  • empty

To check if a PrologValue contains a specific type, it provides the methods

  • type(): returns the contained type.

  • isValid(): returns true if it contains a valid type (i.e. non-empty)

  • isDouble()

  • isInt()

  • isString()

  • isTerm()

  • isList()

To get the value as a specific type, the casting operator to the desired type and the method as<type>() are implemented.

Lists are represented as std::vector<PrologValue>. Terms are represented by the special class PrologTerm which provides the following method:

  • name(): Returns the name of the term

  • arity(): Returns the arity

  • values(): Returns a std::vector<PrologValue> containing the "parameters" of the term

  • operator[]: Returns the PrologValue at a specific index

The method toString returns a pretty printed representation of the contained value.


An example client can be found in the examples directory.

Communication format

Communication between a json_prolog server and its clients is performed through 4 services:

Node API


~query (json_prolog/PrologQuery)
  • Starts a query. The slot query has to be a valid JSON encoded query. The format is specified below.
~simple_query (jsonProlog/PrologQuery)
  • Starts a query. The slot query has to be a valid expression of the underlying prolog implementation. It doesn't have a special encoding.
~next_solution (json_prolog/PrologNextSolution)
  • Request the next solution for a query. Automatically finishes the query when there are no more solutions. The format of the result is explained below.
~finish (json_prolog/PrologFinish)
  • Finishes a query and frees all acquired resources.

JSON Format

Prolog expressions are either terms, atoms, numbers, lists or variables. All types apart from terms, lists and variables are represented by their native JSON format. Terms, lists and variables are represented as dictionaries with exactly one mapping. For terms, they contain a mapping from term to a list with the name of the term as first element and the parameters as the rest of the list. For lists, they contain a mapping from list to the (JSON) list of the members. For variables, they contain a mapping from variable to the name of the variable. Strings should always be enclosed by \" to prevent the JSON parser from doing something stupid. The following example shows how a the Prolog query

member(X, [1, 2, 3]), Y = foo(X)

should be encoded:


Please note that for calling the service ~query, the outer map has to be omitted, i.e. only the list corresponding to the outer term must be passed to the service.

Results are maps of variables to values in the format specified above. For instance, a Prolog query

X = 1, Y = 2

results in one solution of the form

{\"X\":1, \"Y\":2}

Wiki: json_prolog (last edited 2012-03-22 16:18:03 by MoritzTenorth)