Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
This package contains nodes to automatically import all entities simulated in a ROS-enabled Gazebo instance into rviz through the TF and Marker plugin.
- Maintainer: Andreas Bihlmaier <andreas.bihlmaier AT gmx DOT de>
- Author: Andreas Bihlmaier <andreas.bihlmaier AT gmx DOT de>
- License: MIT
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
This package contains nodes to automatically import all entities simulated in a ROS-enabled Gazebo instance into rviz through the TF and Marker plugin.
- Maintainer: Andreas Bihlmaier <andreas.bihlmaier AT gmx DOT de>
- Author: Andreas Bihlmaier <andreas.bihlmaier AT gmx DOT de>
- License: MIT
- Source: git (branch: master)
Automatically import all entities simulated in ROS-enabled Gazebo or described in a set of SDF files into rviz through the TF and Marker plugin. Furthermore add objects from a SDF as MoveIt collision objects.
This package contains the following (Python) nodes: translates /gazebo/link_states to TF in a hierarchical manner corresponding to SDF <include>. retrieves the current gazebo models from /gazebo/model_states, parses their corresponding SDF file and sends visualization_msgs/Marker messages for each link (either visual or collision) to /visualization_marker used by the rviz Marker plugin (fixed frame is gazebo_world). With this solution no plugin for either gazebo or rviz is required, only already available interfaces are used. loads a specified SDF model and publishes it as rviz Marker. Note that an accordingly named TF must exist (e.g. rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 world SDF_model_link_name) or fixed frame adjusted. publish all relations between SDF links (according to model joints) to static TF. publish a selected relation between two SDF links as static TF. add objects from a SDF as MoveIt collision objects (with the ability to ignore submodels).