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Package Summary
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Philipp Schillinger <schillin AT kth DOT se>, Alireza Hosseini <alireza.mixedreality AT gmail DOT com>
- Author:
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Philipp Schillinger <schillin AT kth DOT se>, Alireza Hosseini <alireza.mixedreality AT gmail DOT com>
- Author:
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Philipp Schillinger <schillin AT kth DOT se>, Alireza Hosseini <alireza.mixedreality AT gmail DOT com>
- Author:
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Philipp Schillinger <schillin AT kth DOT se>, Alireza Hosseini <alireza.mixedreality AT gmail DOT com>
- Author:
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Philipp Schillinger <philsplus AT gmail DOT com>, David Conner <robotics AT cnu DOT edu>
- Author: Philipp Schillinger
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: noetic)
FlexBE helps you to create complex robot behaviors without the need for manually coding them. Based on basic capabilities, which interface standard functionality or your own system-specific features, state machines can easily be composed via the provided drag&drop editor. Afterwards, using the same graphical interface, execution can be started and monitored. Based on the concept of collaborative autonomy, the operator is able to influence the execution during runtime, e.g., by forcing transitions and the robot can request help or confirmation from the operator, if required. Even complete modification of the behavior's structure is possible during runtime.
Please refer to the FlexBE Homepage for an illustrative overview and further information.
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