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Package Summary

Drivers for Orbbec Astra Devices.

Package Summary

Drivers for Orbbec Astra Devices.

Package Summary

Drivers for Orbbec Astra Devices.

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Orbbec3D <nan AT orbbec3d DOT com>
  • Author: Tim Liu <liuhua AT orbbec DOT com>
  • License: Apache License 2.0
  • Source: git (branch: master)


A ROS driver for Orbbec 3D cameras.


This package supports ROS Kinetic and Melodic.

  1. Install ROS.

  2. Install dependences
    sudo apt install ros-*-rgbd-launch ros-*-libuvc ros-*-libuvc-camera ros-*-libuvc-ros
  3. Create a ROS Workspace(if you don't have one)

    mkdir -p
  4. Pull the repository into your ROS workspace
    git clone
  5. Create astra udev rule
    roscd astra_camera
  6. Go to catkin workspace and compile astra_camera
    catkin_make --pkg astra_camera

Filter Enable (To be deprecated: recommend to try master branch at first)

Astra driver provides normal and filtering methods. With filter driver, we can get more precise depth data but it would cost more computing resources. If the program will be executed on embedded systems, we suggest to use normal method. You can use -DFILTER=ON / OFF to change the method as below.

catkin_make --pkg astra_camera -DFILTER=OFF

Run astra_camera

If you didn't add source $YOUR_WORKSPACE/devel/setup.bash to your .bashrc, remember to source it when open a new terminal :)


Use Astra

roslaunch astra_camera astra.launch

Use Astra Stereo S (w/ UVC)

roslaunch astra_camera stereo_s.launch

You can use rviz or image_view to verify the outputs.

Important Topics

  • */image_raw: depth/rgb/ir raw images
  • */image_rect_raw: images rectified by intrinsic/extrinsic parameters
  • */camera_info: camera intrinsic/extrinsic parameters
  • /camera/depth/points: point cloud without color information
  • /camera/depth_registered/points: xyzrgb point cloud

Useful Services

This package provides multiple ros services for users to get useful information and set up devices. To know more about using these services, please check this tutorial.

  • /camera/get_device_type: return a string containing astra device type
  • /camera/get_ir_exposure: get exposure value of ir camera
  • /camera/get_ir_gain: get gain value of ir camera
  • /camera/get_serial: get serial number
  • /camera/get_uvc_exposure: get exposure value of rgb camera
  • /camera/get_uvc_gain: get gain value of rgb camera
  • /camera/get_uvc_white_balance: get white balance value of rgb camera
  • /camera/reset_ir_exposure: reset ir exposure to default value
  • /camera/reset_ir_gain: reset ir gain to default value
  • /camera/set_ir_exposure: set ir exposure to specific value
  • /camera/set_ir_gain: set ir gain to specific value
  • /camera/set_laser: turn on (true) or turn off (false) laser
  • /camera/set_uvc_exposure: set uvc exposure. (set 0 indicating auto mode)
  • /camera/set_uvc_gain: set uvc gain
  • /camera/set_uvc_white_balance: set uvc white balance (set 0 indicating auto mode)
  • /camera/set_ir_flood: turn on (true) or turn off (false) ir flood
  • /camera/switch_ir_camera: while using stereo_s/stereo_s_u3, you can switch (left/right) ir camera


After launching an astra camera, you can get ir exposure by the following command

  1. ir exposure
    rosservice call /camera/get_ir_exposure
    Next, you can change this value in this way
    rosservice call /camera/set_ir_exposure
  2. turn on/off laser
    rosservice call /camera/set_laser
    rosservice call /camera/set_laser
  3. switch ir
    rosservice call /camera/switch_ir_camera
    rosservice call /camera/switch_ir_camera

For the other services, the usage is same as the above example.

Multiple Cameras

To launch multiple cameras, you could modify multi_astra.launch to match your setting. The important settings are device_x_id(serial number of your devices), 3d_sensor(name of launch file), and has_uvc_serial(does your camera's uvc have serial number).

If you received USB Buffer Error, you could try to increase your USBFS buffer size by the following command.

 echo 64 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb

Wiki: astra_camera (last edited 2019-08-16 19:59:53 by Chi-Ju Wu)