Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
Driver stack for AscTec Quadrotors including the Pelican and Hummingbird
- Author: Maintained by Ivan Dryanovski, Roberto G. Valenti, William Morris, et al.
- License: GPL
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Driver stack for AscTec Quadrotors including the Pelican and Hummingbird
- Author: Maintained by Ivan Dryanovski, Roberto G. Valenti, William Morris, et al.
- License: GPL
- Source: git (branch: fuerte)
This stack contains tools and drivers for the Ascending Technologies Quadrotor Helicopter Autopilot.
From source
Create a directory where you want the package downloaded (ex. ~/ros), and add it to $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.
Make sure you have git installed:
1 sudo apt-get install git-core
Install the mav_tools stack.
Download the stack from our repository:
1 git clone
Install any dependencies using rosdep.
1 rosdep install asctec_drivers
Compile the stack:
1 rosmake asctec_drivers
Bug Reports & Feature Requests
We appreciate the time and effort spent submitting bug reports and feature requests.
Please submit your tickets through github (requires github account) or by emailing the maintainers.