## page was copied from ROS/Tutorials/InstallingandConfiguringROSEnvironment ## For instruction on writing tutorials ## http://www.ros.org/wiki/WritingTutorials #################################### ##FILL ME IN #################################### ## for a custom note with links: ## note = ## for the canned note of "This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials:" just add the links ## note.0= ## descriptive title for the tutorial ## !title = การติดตั้ง และ ปรับตั้ง Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment ## title = การติดตั้ง และ ปรับตั้ง ROS Environment ## multi-line description to be displayed in search ## !description = This tutorial walks you through installing ROS and setting up the ROS environment on your computer. ## description = แบบเรียนนี้ เป็นการเรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับการติดตั้งระบบ ROS และ การปรับตั้ง ROS environment ในเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณ ## the next tutorial description (optional) ## next = ## links to next tutorial (optional) ## next.0.link= [[th/ROS/Tutorials/NavigatingTheFilesystem|Navigating the ROS Filesystem]] ## next.1.link= ## what level user is this tutorial for ## level= BeginnerCategory ## keywords = #################################### <<IncludeCSTemplate(TutorialCSHeaderTemplate)>> <<TableOfContents(4)>> ##== Install ROS == == ติดตั้ง ROS == ##Before starting these tutorials please complete installation as described in the ##[[th/ROS/Installation|ROS installation instructions]]. ก่อนทำการเริ่มเรียนรู้ในบทเรียนนี้คุณต้องติดตั้ง ROS ไว้แล้ว ซึ่งวิธีการติดตั้งสามารถดูได้จาก [[th/ROS/Installation|ขั้นตอนการติดตั้ง ROS]] {{{#!wiki blue/solid '''Note:''' If you installed ROS from a package manager like `apt`, then those packages will not be write accessible and should not be edited by you the user. When working with ROS packages from source or when creating a new ROS package, you should always work in a directory that you have access to, like your home folder. }}} == Managing Your Environment == During the installation of ROS, you will see that you are prompted to `source` one of several setup.*sh files, or even add this 'sourcing' to your shell startup script. This is required because ROS relies on the notion of combining spaces using the shell environment. This makes developing against different versions of ROS or against different sets of packages easier. If you are ever having problems finding or using your ROS packages make sure that you have your environment properly setup. A good way to check is to ensure that [[ROS/EnvironmentVariables|environment variables]] like [[ROS/EnvironmentVariables#ROS_ROOT|ROS_ROOT]] and [[ROS/EnvironmentVariables#ROS_PACKAGE_PATH|ROS_PACKAGE_PATH]] are set: {{{ $ export | grep ROS }}} If they are not then you might need to 'source' some setup.*sh files. Environment setup files are generated for you, but can come from different places: * ROS packages installed with package managers provide setup.*sh files * [[http://www.ros.org/wiki/fuerte/Installation/Overlays|rosbuild workspaces]] provide setup.*sh files using tools like [[rosws]] * Setup.*sh files are created as a by-product of [[catkin/workspaces#Building_Packages_with_catkin|building]] or [[catkin/workspaces#Installing_Packages_with_Catkin|installing]] catkin packages {{{#!wiki blue/solid '''Note:''' Throughout the tutorials you will see references to [[rosbuild]] and [[catkin]]. These are the two available methods for organizing and building your ROS code. Generally, rosbuild is easy to use and simple, where as catkin uses more standard CMake conventions, so it is more sophisticated, but provides more flexibility especially for people wanting to integrate external code bases or who want to release their software. For a full break down visit [[catkin_or_rosbuild|catkin or rosbuild]]. }}} If you just installed ROS from `apt` on Ubuntu then you will have setup.*sh files in '`/opt/ros/<distro>/`', and you could source them like so: {{{ # source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash }}} Using the short name of your ROS distribution instead of {{{<distro>}}} If you installed ROS Hydro,that would be: {{{ $ source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash }}} You will need to run this command on every new shell you open to have access to the ros commands, unless you add this line to your .bashrc. This process allows you to install several ROS distributions (e.g. fuerte and groovy) on the same computer and switch between them. On other platforms you will find these setup.*sh files where ever you installed ROS to. ##== Create a ROS Workspace == == สร้างพื้นที่ทำงานให้กับ ROS (ROS Workspace) == <<Buildsystem()>> {{{{#!wiki buildsystem catkin ##{{{#!wiki blue/solid ##These instructions are for ROS Groovy and later. For ROS Fuerte and earlier, select ##rosbuild. ##}}} {{{#!wiki blue/solid ขั้นตอนต่างๆ ดังต่อไปนี้ สามารถใช้ได้กับ ROS Groovy และที่ใหม่กว่า สำหรับ ROS Fuerte และที่เก่ากว่านี้ ให้เลือก (คลิกที่) rosbuild. }}} <<Include(th/ROS/Tutorials/catkin/CreateWorkspace)>> }}}} {{{{#!wiki buildsystem rosbuild ## TODO <<Include(th/ROS/Tutorials/rosbuild/CreateWorkspace)>> }}}} ##Now that your environment is setup, continue with the ##[[th/ROS/Tutorials/NavigatingTheFilesystem|Navigating the ROS Filesystem]]. และในขณะนี้ Environment ของคุณได้ปรับตั้งเรียบร้อยแล้ว คุณสามารถเข้าสู่แบบเรียนต่อไปได้ที่นี่ [[th/ROS/Tutorials/NavigatingTheFilesystem|Navigating the ROS Filesystem]] ## AUTOGENERATED DO NOT DELETE ## TutorialCategory ## ROSTutorialCategory