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## descriptive title for the tutorial
## title = Iterator container
## multi-line description to be displayed in search 
## description = This tutorial teaches you how to use the Iterator container.
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## links to next tutorial (optional)
## next.0.link=[[smach/Tutorials/Wrapping a SMACH Container With actionlib|Wrapping a SMACH container with actionlib]]
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## what level user is this tutorial for 
## level= BeginnerCategory
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=== Overview ===
The iterator allows you to loop through a state or states until success conditions are met. This tutorial demonstrates how to use an iterator to sort a list of numbers into evens and odds. 

=== The Code ===
Below is the full state machine, create a file called `iterator_tutorial.py` and copy the following code:


=== The Code Explained ===
Start by constructing the iterator, the constructor takes the following arguments:
__init__(self, outcomes, input_keys, output_keys, it=[], it_label='it_data', exhausted_outcome='exhausted')
In this example, the `outcomes` now include `preempted`, a default `outcome` of the iterator. The `it` argument is the list of objects that will be iterated over and the `it_label` is key that holds the current value of the of the item in the `it` list. The `exhausted` argument should be set to the preferred state machine outcome, in this example the iterator outcome is `succeeded` when the iterator is done looping through the `it` list.


Now add a container and create the states for sorting the list into even and odd. 

Add the container to the iterator:


Finish by adding the iterator to the top level state machine:


=== Running the Code ===
Make sure that a `roscore` is running:
$ roscore 
Run the `smach_viewer` so you can see the results:
$ rosrun smach_viewer smach_viewer.py
Now run the state machine:
$ sudo chmod a+x iterator_tutorial.py
$ python ./iterator_tutorial.py


## TutorialCategory
## SMACHContainerCategory