##NavigatingTheFilesystem #################################### ##FILL ME IN #################################### ## links to any required tutorials ## note.0=[[ru/ROS/Tutorials/InstallingandConfiguringROSEnvironment|Установка и настройка рабочего окружения ROS]] ## descriptive title for the tutorial ## title = Navigating the ROS Filesystem ## multi-line description to be displayed in search ## description = This tutorial introduces ROS filesystem concepts, and covers using the roscd, rosls, and [[rospack]] commandline tools. ## the next tutorial description ## next = ## links to next tutorial ## next.0.link= [[ROS/Tutorials/CreatingPackage|Создание пакета ROS]] ## what level user is this tutorial for ## level= BeginnerCategory #################################### <<IncludeCSTemplate(TutorialCSHeaderTemplate)>> <<Buildsystem()>> {{{#!wiki buildsystem rosbuild <<Include(ROS/Tutorials/rosbuild/NavigatingTheFilesystem)>> }}} {{{#!wiki buildsystem catkin <<Include(ROS/Tutorials/catkin/NavigatingTheFilesystem)>> }}} Now that you can get around in ROS, let's [[http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/CreatingPackage|create a package]]. ## AUTOGENERATED DO NOT DELETE ## TutorialCategory ## ROSTutorialCategory