## for a custom note with links:
## for the canned note of "This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials:" just add the links 
## note.0= 
## descriptive title for the tutorial
## title = 录制和回放数据 
## multi-line description to be displayed in search 
## description = 教你如何将正在运行的ROS系统中的数据记录到一个bag文件中,然后通过回放这些数据来来重现相似的运行过程。
## the next tutorial description (optional)
## next = 
## links to next tutorial (optional)
## next.0.link= [[cn/ROS/Tutorials/reading msgs from a bag file|从bag文件中读取消息]]
## next.1.link=
## what level user is this tutorial for 
## level= BeginnerCategory
## keywords = data, rosbag, record, play, info, bag



<<Include(cn/rosbag/Tutorials/Recording and playing back data,,from="##startpage")>>

现在你已经学会了如何录制和回放数据,接下来我们可以[[cn/ROS/Tutorials/reading msgs from a bag file|从bag文件中读取消息]]。

## ROSTutorialCategory