## For instruction on writing tutorials ## http://www.ros.org/wiki/WritingTutorials #################################### ##FILL ME IN #################################### ## for a custom note with links: ## note = ## for the canned note of "This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials:" just add the links ## note.0= [[ROS/Tutorials|ROS tutorials]] ## note.1= [[image_transport/Tutorials/PublishingImages|Writing a Simple Image Publisher (C++)]] ## descriptive title for the tutorial ## title = Using camera_info_manager in a Camera Driver (C++) ## multi-line description to be displayed in search ## description = This tutorial shows how to provide calibration information while publishing images. ## the next tutorial description (optional) ## next = ## links to next tutorial (optional) ## next.0.link= ## next.1.link= ## what level user is this tutorial for ## level= BeginnerCategory ## keywords = camera_calibration, image_transport, image_pipeline #################################### <<IncludeCSTemplate(TutorialCSHeaderTemplate)>> <<TableOfContents(4)>> == Example code == Until I have time to write up a good tutorial, here is an example of a driver using [[camera_info_manager]]. Search for `cinfo_` in the source code to see where the !CameraInfoManager class is used. Note the handling of Header time stamps and transform frame IDs. * [[http://docs.ros.org/indigo/api/camera1394/html/driver1394_8cpp_source.html|camera1394]]. ## AUTOGENERATED DO NOT DELETE ## TutorialCategory ## FILL IN THE STACK TUTORIAL CATEGORY HERE