## page was copied from ROS/Tutorials/CreatingPackage #################################### ##FILL ME IN #################################### #Language ar ## links to any required tutorials ## note.0= [[ROS/Tutorials/NavigatingTheFilesystem|navigating the ROS filesystem]] ## descriptive title for the tutorial ## title = إنشاء حزمة ROS ## multi-line description to be displayed in search ## description = يشمل هذا الدرس [[roscreate|roscreate-pkg]] و [[catkin]] لإنشاء حزمة جديدة، و [[rospack]] لعرض قائمة بأسماء المكتبات التي تعتمد عليها الحزمة. ## the next tutorial description ## next = ## links to next tutorial ## next.0.link= [[ROS/Tutorials/BuildingPackages|Building a ROS package]] ## what level user is this tutorial for ## level= BeginnerCategory #################################### <<IncludeCSTemplate(TutorialCSHeaderTemplate)>> <<Buildsystem()>> {{{{{#!wiki buildsystem rosbuild <<Include(ROS/Tutorials/rosbuild/CreatingPackage)>> }}}}} {{{{{#!wiki buildsystem catkin <<Include(ar/ROS/Tutorials/catkin/CreatingPackage)>> }}}}} Now that you've made a new ROS package, let's [[ROS/Tutorials/BuildingPackages|build our ROS package]]. ## AUTOGENERATED DO NOT DELETE ## TutorialCategory ## ROSTutorialCategory == Video Demonstration == Watch the video below to have more explanation on Custom Workspace and Package Creation with step by step guide . <<Youtube(u8ZKbbP1FiU)>>