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NOTE: Module is selected from transfer area list according to the ''slot_num''. NOTE: Module is selected from the Transfer area list according to the ''slot_num''.

Note: This tutorial assumes you have completed previous tutorial [[siemens_cp1616/Tutorials/CP1616 in IO Device mode - Runtime].
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CP1616 in IO Device mode - Alarms

Description: This tutorial teaches you how to send alarm to the IO Controller

Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE

This tutorial teaches you how to send Diagnostic and Maintenance Alarms to the IO Controller. We recommend using separate computers - one running Linux and second Windows machine with TIA Portal for initial monitoring alarm functionality.

Run the launch file

Run the same launch file as in previous tutorial:

roslaunch siemens_cp1616_io_device_tutorial siemens_cp1616_io_device_tutorial.launch

If initialization succeded, you should notice red error indicators on both PLC and CP1616 turn off and get the following terminal output:

[ INFO]: CP1616 Configuration: Number of modules: 8
[ INFO]: Module: slot 1 sub 1 mod_id 19 sub_id 10001
[ INFO]: Module: slot 2 sub 1 mod_id 22 sub_id 1
[ INFO]: Module: slot 3 sub 1 mod_id 21 sub_id 1
[ INFO]: Module: slot 4 sub 1 mod_id 25 sub_id 1
[ INFO]: Module: slot 5 sub 1 mod_id 24 sub_id 1
[ INFO]: Module: slot 6 sub 1 mod_id 3d sub_id 1
[ INFO]: Module: slot 7 sub 1 mod_id 3c sub_id 1
[ INFO]: Module: slot 8 sub 1 mod_id 20 sub_id 1
[ INFO]: Openning CP1616 in IO_device mode: done
[ INFO]: Starting operation: done
[ INFO]: Setting device state to PNIO_DEVSTAT_OK: done
[ INFO]: Waiting for callbacks...
[ INFO]: IO Controller found: plcxb1d0ed IP
[ INFO]: New AR from IO controller established
[ INFO]: End of CP parametrization
[ INFO]: IO Device ready, communication started

Available services

Now check the list of available services:

$ rosservice list

Notice following services in the list:


You can call set/reset services to send diagnostic and maitenance alarms to the IO Controller.

Set Diagnostic Alarm

"slot_num" is the only parameter that needs to be specified when sending Diagnostic Alarm to the IO Controlelr. In this tutorial example slots 1-8 are deffined, so choose slot number within this range. To test diagnostic alarm functionality you can use a command line tool:

$ rosservice call /set_diag_alarm 2

"slot_num" parameter provides additional information to the IO Controller about which module/transfer_area/slot caused the alarm. You should see following terminal output from the wrapper node:

[ WARN] : Sending diagnostic alarm to IO Controller
[ INFO] : Diagnostic alarm sent to the IO Controller
[ INFO] : IO Controller confirmed alarm: UserHndl: 0x1234

Also notice that "ERROR" LED indicator on PLC turned red. Diagnostic alarm can also be seen in PLC "Diagnostic buffer":


NOTE: Module is selected from the Transfer area list according to the slot_num.

Reset Diagnostic Alarm

Specifying the same slot_num, to reset diagnostic alarm use following command line tool:

$ rosservice call /reset_diag_alarm 2

Wrapper node should respond:

[ INFO] : Reseting the diagnostic alarm...
[ INFO] : IO Controller confirmed alarm: UserHndl: 0x1234

PLC should return back to RUN state.

Set Maintenance Alarm

To send maintenance alarm to the IO Controller no parameter needs to be specified:

$ rosservice call /set_maint_alarm

You should see following terminal output from the wrapper node:

[ WARN] : Sending maintenance alarm to IO Controller
[ INFO] : Maintenance alarm sent to the IO Controller
[ INFO] : IO Controller confirmed alarm: UserHndl: 0x1234

Also notice that "MAINT" LED indicator on PLC turned yellow. Maintenance alarm can also be seen in PLC "Diagnostic buffer":


Reset Maintenance Alarm

To reset maintenance alarm use following command line tool:

$ rosservice call /reset_maint_alarm

Wrapper node should respond:

[ INFO] : Reseting the maintenance alarm...
[ INFO] : IO Controller confirmed alarm: UserHndl: 0x1234

PLC should return back to RUN state.

Wiki: siemens_cp1616/Tutorials/CP1616 in IO Device mode - Alarms (last edited 2015-10-16 09:31:00 by FrantisekDurovsky)